Jason Dittrich

Jason Dittrich's Fundraiser

We Can Provide Welcome Home Kits to 25 New Survivors image

We Can Provide Welcome Home Kits to 25 New Survivors

Join Me and Help Make a Difference to Support Domestic Violence Survivors

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,695 towards $2,000

Amid the economic, health and educational uncertainties caused by the coronavirus, an equally virulent pandemic co-exists: an increase in domestic violence.

The level of domestic violence has almost become a second pandemic. DASH - the District Alliance for Safe Housing - of which I'm a board member, has witnessed higher lethality and sexual assault cases, too, since the pandemic began.

DASH's executive director, Koube Ngaaje, has said, "How that pans out means that the survivors, and families now have fewer options to escape while they are trapped at home with abusers. That means that our program advocates are providing more safety planning with survivors who are trapped indoors."

During this trying times, DASH has continued to support survivors. We have seen an increased need for our services, and we need financial help to welcome survivors into DASH's program.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for DASH during Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

I appreciate your support, on behalf of the survivors and their children, and the counselors and staff at DASH.