In Honor of Mother's Day image

In Honor of Mother's Day

Support 55 Moms in Safe Housing

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Your gift this Mother's Day can continue to provide sanctuary for 55 Moms in DASH's safe housing programs.

DASH's innovative longer-term programs provide moms with relief and empowerment as they rebuild their lives on their own terms for themselves and their children.

Cindy came to DASH's Cornerstone program in 2016 with her daughters. In March, Cindy successfully secured her own apartment and moved out of Cornerstone. Cindy came back to visit her Advocate at Cornerstone to express her gratitude for everything DASH did for her family. She shared that her daughters missed their old apartment and wanted to come back. To them, Cornerstone was not just a program, it was their home. "Mommy, can we go back to our other apartment?"